About the Nebraska IAI Chapter
Our History
On August 4, 1915, Inspector Harry H. Caldwell of the Oakland (California) Police Department’s Bureau of Identification wrote numerous letters to “Criminal Identification Operators” asking them to meet in Oakland for the purpose of forming an organization to further the aims of the identification profession. A group of twenty-two men met (women were initially not allowed as members) and, as a result, the “International Association for Criminal Identification” was founded in October, 1915, with Inspector Caldwell as the presiding officer. In 1918 the word “Criminal” was dropped from the organization’s name. Today, the IAI is the oldest and largest forensic science organization in existence worldwide. There are members from over 43 countries and all 50 states.
The Nebraska Division of the IAI was formed in 1984 at a meeting held at the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center in Grand Island, and officially chartered at the IAI International meeting in Alaska in June 1984. The purpose of the Nebraska chapter was to mirror the goals of the International parent body and to foster training for forensic practitioners within Nebraska.
The first official meeting/conference was at the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center in Grand Island on November 19-20, 1984. There were initially 54 charter members and 38 others present at the conference. By December 31, 1984 there were 68 members from 18 Nebraska cities. As of March 2019, there are now over 150 members from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and South Dakota.
The first conference featured a presentation by the Nebraska Attorney General’s office on the relationship between prosecutors, officers and forensic specialists. Other presenters included a speaker from UNL on Odontology and pathology, plus programs on photography, hypnosis, fingerprints, laboratory submittal problems, and Superglue processing (Identification News Vol XXXV. #1, January 1985, P.4). The expenses for this first conference were $110.82. $100 speaker fee for two presentations and $10.82 for coffee.
Current & Past Presidents
1984-86 Harold Moon
1986-87 Rex Splitt
1987-90 Bruce Luhr
1990-92 Gene Rauscher
1992-94 Michael Stone
1994-96 David Kohrell
1996-98 Donald Veys
1998-01 Tony Grazziano
2001-04 David Kofoed
2004-06 David Sobotka
2006-08 Larry Barksdale
2008-10 Robert Hurley
2010-12 Jeff Ward
2012-16 Josh Connelly
2016-22 Robert Hurley
2022-26 Josh Connelly